Core Values
Confessionally Reformed in Theology
Providence OPC subscribes to the Westminster Standards as an accurate summary of the Bible’s teachings. Subscription to a confession of faith allows us to clearly communicate our beliefs and ties us to a family of churches. Perhaps even more importantly, the Westminster Standards serve as a promise to and protection for the congregation; every man, woman and child can hold their leadership accountable to this Confession, so that the church will not break it, nor go past it. Of course, you need not subscribe to this Confession to visit or even join us - this is our promise to you, not a requirement for you. We invite everyone to join us in humbly pursuing a God who has already promised to love and reward those who seek him (Proverbs 8:17).
Committed to Kingdom Growth
Providence OPC is not the end of the road in the Kingdom of God, and we believe that we are called to build that Kingdom more than our own castle. To that end, we are truly committed to growing the Kingdom through church planting, as we see church planting as a fulfillment of the Great Commision (Matthew 28). We seek to build up our own body to participate in future mission works and earnestly pray for more laborers for the harvest in Phoenix. To that end, we faithfully seek outreach and evangelism opportunities close to us in the city of Scottsdale. We also seek to support those laboring domestically and internationally in the mission field, that the church of God would arise all over the earth.
Christ-Centered in Community
There is nothing this life has to offer that compares to knowing Jesus Christ; “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phillipians 3:8). Providence OPC is committed to making the saving grace of Jesus Christ the first, second, third, and last priority of our worship, our service, and our life together. We are committed to consistently preaching the Gospel not only to the world but ourselves, resting on the mercy of Christ to save sinners and edify believers.